Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The F150 coil packs

An automobile is a machine which is made up of many different parts and sub parts. It requires regular maintenance and services like any other machines in your fact the minute parts and technical aspects of any automobile perhaps require more attention than its external appearance. Thus, it is advisable to check on with these parts at least once in three months or six months , just to check whether they are properly functioning or not. In fact, the entire functioning of an automobile depends on the individual functioning of these parts which holds the machine together.

What are ignition coils?
One such very important part is the ignition coils. These coils can be best described as induction coils which through its properties amplify the low voltages of the automobile’s batteries into a high voltage spark. This gives the machine a spark and the impetus for the engine to start off and ultimately the car takes off. The ignition coils in itself are just plain and simple coils made of such substances which have the properties of amplifying the low voltages into a higher one. In earlier times such coils were individually fixed with each batteries or battery cylinders so that the reaction can takes place smoothly. But with time a lot of modifications have been introduced in this system. In fact different types of coils are seen to suite different types of car models.

 Ignition Coils


Today, ignition coil packs are found in the market which contains coils in multiples of four which can be easily fitted with the battery and used as per ones desires. Though one can purchase these coil packs in the market, it is advisable that one gets them fitted by a mechanic or a person who is adept in handling such technical parts of the car. Such packs are available in nearly all automobile accessory shops. What more, they can also be purchased online via trusted online shopping portals.

The F150 coil packs are very famous for being used in the ford models of cars. These coils can also be availed from branded shops. These coils come in a variety of resistance measures. These resistances measure from 0.300 ohms to 0.660 ohms. In fact, one can avail such coil packs in various different colours. Thus one can also match their coils with the colour of their car. The standard types of colours vary from black, blue, red and yellow. Although in many places grey/silver coils are also available. The maximum voltage varies in various coils. While Some F150 ignition coils are said to have a capacity of 60,000 volts, similarly, some have the capacity of 45,000 volts. Depending on the car and model these capacities are chosen.

Thus, ignition coil packs are very handy and must always be bought keeping in mind the car and the make of the engine.
9090 Union Park Way, 
Suite 105, Elk Grove
CA 95624
(916) 585-6835